A meeting of the Village of Riverlea Planning Commission was held September 13, 2021 at Thomas Worthington High School. Members present were Bryce Jacob (Planning Commissioner), Sheila Bagley, Paul Collini, and Rich Skowronski. Also present were Beth & Peggy Welch, Donald Gubbins, Nicholas Bartels, and Mike Hopper of Ecohouse Solar. Joshua C. Mehling served as Clerk. The Planning Commissioner called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

  1. The minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of July 12, 2021 were not read since each member had received a copy. Skowronski moved and Jacob seconded the motion that the minutes be approved as submitted by the Clerk. The following vote was recorded on the motion: Yea: 2, Jacob and Skowronski; Nay: None; Abstain: 2, Bagley and Collini. The motion carried 2-0-2.
  2. An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Beth & Peggy Welch at 93 W Riverglen Dr to install concrete slab and shed. The size of the concrete will be 18.5 ft x 21 ft. The Planning Commissioner determined the lot coverage based on this size and determined that there are no issues with this. The shed will be gray with a shingle roof. There is currently a picket fence behind the garage. The plan is to keep the fencing and add arbor vitae around the fence. Neighbor Donald Gubbins was in attendance and stated that he had no concerns with the addition of the shed.

Collini moved to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for the project as shown in the plans and Bagley seconded this motion. The following vote was recorded on the motion: Yea: 4, Bagley, Collini, Jacob, and Skowronski; Nay: None; Abstain: None. The motion carried 4-0.

  1. An application for a Certificate of Appropriateness by Greg Pace at 5803 Dover Ct to install solar panels on the west facing sides of the house and garage roofs. These would be on the rear of the house and garage and have no right of way visibility from Dover. The 22 kw panels and trim will be black and will blend in with the gray roof. The panels will sit 4 in from the roof. All of the equipment other than the disconnect will be located inside the house.

Bagley inquired as to whether the Village adopted the solar panel ordinance that had been discussed previously. The Planning Commissioner stated that this had been adopted and that this information was shared with the contractor and that the project is in compliance. Bagley expressed concern about the visibility of the panels from Olentangy and water runoff. The contractor stated that there will be a small gap between the panels, which will allow water to reach the roof and drain properly for the most part and the Planning Commissioner reiterated that the project complies with the Village ordinances as written.

Skowronski moved to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for the project as shown in the plans and Collini seconded this motion. The following vote was recorded on the motion: Yea: 4, Bagley, Collini, Jacob, and Skowronski; Nay: None; Abstain: None. The motion carried 4-0.

  1. The Planning Commissioner updated the group as to the status of the walkway at 5809 Olentangy. The previous residents had been notified of a violation of the Certificate of Appropriateness in that there had been vehicular traffic on the approved walkway. However, the house has recently been sold and although the selling agent was notified of the restriction against vehicles on the walkway, it is unknown whether the current residents have been informed. The Planning Commissioner stated that he had drafted a letter to the current homeowners notifying them of these restrictions and he would deliver this to them after the Solicitor has a chance to review it.
  2. Collini inquired about the status of the undeveloped parcel between 121 and 141 Southington. In September of 2020, the Commission had approved the building of a house on this land, but since this time, trees were cleared from the lot and no development had begun. The Planning Commissioner stated that he had recently heard from the developer, who stated that he no longer plans to build on the property and asked about the return of the street bond that had been placed with the Village. The Planning Commissioner stated that he is withholding this bond pending research from the Solicitor as to whether the Village can retain the money, given that the developer had agreed to replace any trees removed as part of the project. Collini stated that he felt the Commission should be better prepared for the next time a builder wants to build on an empty lot to ensure that landscaping is not cleared without a commitment to build. He felt that the Village Council may want to adopt legislation around this issue to assist with enforcement in the future.

Collini moved and Bagley seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion was approved unanimously (4-0). The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 p.m.


Bryce Jacob, Planning Commissioner

Josh Mehling, Clerk