Josh Schoenberger has resigned his seat on the Village Council because he and his family will be moving out of Riverlea this month. We are hoping to fill the vacant seat by appointment at the next regular Council meeting on Monday, August 20. The term runs through December 31, 2021. If you are interested in putting yourself forward as a candidate please contact Mayor Eric MacGilvray or a member of Council. It would be helpful if you could provide a brief statement of interest, including information about your background and qualifications.
The Village Council is Riverlea’s legislative body. It is composed of six members and votes on ordinances, resolutions and financial matters affecting the Village. It is also responsible for appointing and overseeing the work of other Village officials, including the Planning Commissioner, the Street Commissioner, and the Web Manager. The Council meets at 7 pm on the third Monday of each month except for January and February, when meetings fall on the third Tuesday. Special meetings may be called if there is exigent business that can’t wait until the next regular meeting. Meetings usually last about 1-2 hours, sometimes a little less and occasionally more. Council members must be eligible to vote in the state of Ohio and must have resided in the Village for at least one year. The salary is $500 per year.
Finally, let’s all thank Josh for his superb service on Council. He played a key role on many fronts, most notably in spearheading the development of the new website, and will be sorely missed. Best wishes to him and his family as they embark on their new adventures.